Linville Gorge Headcam – THE EDDY FEELING deleted footage

This footage is POV, Helmetcam perspective of kayaking North Carolina’s Linville Gorge. This is deleted footage from the film THE EDDY FEELING available at on DVD.

POV from the rapid Donkey Kong

POV from the rapid Cathedral Falls – Adam Herzog drops in, running the direct line.

Enjoy the video and remember that it may only serve as a very vague guide, but in no way represents the current state of the rapids.  Logs, sieves and undercuts move around on a regular basis and you should be aware of this fact.  Also this video only shows a few of the plethora of rapids in the Linville, so if you take the plunge into the gorge know that you will face a full day of very difficult whitewater.

Music by
No Idea Records
Southern Lovin’ PR


Spencer Cooke, Effort Inc

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