Rapid Transit Feature Film on DVD. See the trailer, come to GREEN-O-WEEN, win a Riot Thunder, benefit AW!

You may or may now know that Rapid Transit is a collaborative effort by various kayak video producers to regularly bring free short films to you via Podcasts and on our web site RapidTransitVideo.com. We began our productions in March 2008… Six months and 20+ short films later, our producers are about to release their first feature length film, available on DVD this winter. We are having a showing of the film at Asheville Pizza Company in Asheville, North Carolina at 9pm on Thursday, Oct 30th, 2008. The event is 1 night before Halloween, 2 nights before the Green Race and 3 syllables before a very fun evening. GREEN-O-WEEN is the event and this is what you may expect:


Rapid Transit will be giving away a Riot Thunder (65 or 76, winner’s choice) to the winner of the costume contest that night. “Come dressed as your favorite rapid on the Green. Best costume wins the Riot Thunder.” The names are perfect for costumes: Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Gorilla, Sunshine, Scream Machine, Hammer Factor, Colonel Dick’s (if you dare), Toilet Bowl, Rapid Transit, Groove Tube, Nutcracker, Chief, and the list goes on and on. Perhaps you dress as the Green itself? That may be too easy.

A considerable portion of the proceeds will be donated to American Whitewater for their undying river stewardship efforts.

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Rapid Transit’s first DVD, which I guess is entitled THE EDDY FEELING will attempt to express to its viewers, what paddling means to the life, sanity and well being of kayakers. What does a few minutes or an hour on the water every week mean to a banker, an engineer, a kayak designer or even a sponsored, pro kayaker? This film delves into the intellect of some unique individuals, seeking to answer that question. Additionally, the film takes you into the East Coast’s most remote and scenic gorge on North Carolina’s Linville River, giving you accounts of the first kayak attempts down it and bringing you to present-day runs on this beautiful, scenic stream.


The film features the following people:
Simon Martin, Head Designer at Riot Kayaks
Tom McEwan, Owner of Liquid Adventures
Mike West, Human Resources Manager at First Citizens Bank
Chris Gragtmans, Pro Kayaker
Anna Levesque, Owner of Girls at Play
Yonton Mehler, Sales Manager at Astral Buoyancy
Drew Hayes, Civil Engineer and owner of Foresite & Associates
and more.

Here’s how to watch the DVD Trailer. At the bottom of this post you will see some small blue text reading “play in popup” and “play now.” If you’d like to view the video here and now simply click one of those links. The other option is to open iTunes on your computer and go to the Music Store. There you can search for Rapid Transit, subscribe for free and receive all our podcasts.

Music on the trailer thanks to:
“my definition of a tragedy”


Spencer Cooke, Effort Inc.

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