The Clayspace Cooperative

It’s been a while since I’ve posted content here on the RT site. I haven’t been doing much river filming (or really much boating at all) since the fall race season concluded with the Green Race. My attention has been focused in other areas: namely some commercial work and a personal project that I’m calling “The River Artist Series.”
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“pinned underneath rocks”

“Extreme Whitewater Kayaker” and award winning filmmaker, Chris Gallaway, paddled over a guy who was “pinned underneath rocks” during this year’s Green Narrows Race. I hope they got the rocks off of that guy. Where did the rocks fall from that this paddler was pinned underneath? From the heavens? Did aliens put them there? Hear the story directly from the man himself in this exclusive interview with Asheville’s Citizen Times.
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Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons

With the upcoming Pixies tour in mind I was reminiscing of those middle and high school days when I first discovered “alternative” (as it was referred to then) music. My first introduction into this vein of music was through skateboarding. In 1986 my mom bought me a video called the Vision Pro Skate Escape.
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