Greenland is Melting, anyone heard of these guys?

Holy Bible Study Batman!!! Greenland is Melting is soooo good. Excuse my nasty language, I meant these guys are sooooo amazing. It made me think, recently I saw The Avett Brothers, who were truly amazing themselves. I consider the Avett’s a folk, post-punk, bluegrass band, very enjoyable for kids of many ages. Greenland is Melting is quite the similar genre, and I have to say, if you like the Avetts you will for sure like this folk-punk-trio. It is not conceivable that you would not like them, so just go ahead and believe me.
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Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons

With the upcoming Pixies tour in mind I was reminiscing of those middle and high school days when I first discovered “alternative” (as it was referred to then) music. My first introduction into this vein of music was through skateboarding. In 1986 my mom bought me a video called the Vision Pro Skate Escape.
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Who is Patrick Lee?

This is the last known photograph of Patrick Lee. Since this picture was taken, Mr. Lee has disappeared into a basement studio from which he cranks out groovy, foot-thumping albums at a prolific rate. If you see Patrick, please tell him to keep up the good work.
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The Oatmeal Conspiracy “rest stop tour” Video

January 30, 2009, The Oatmeal Conspiracy packs up the band trailer and leaves Garner, North Carolina on a frosty morning. Three brave musicians vow to visit every rest stop between Raleigh and Harrisonburg, Virgina. As a side project they will perform at Clementine Cafe when they arrive in Harrisonburg. Then and only then will they lash out songs from their newly released EP, “Part of the Package,” available on iTunes. Enjoy the saga that is… REST STOP TOUR 2009. Video produced by Effort Inc,
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