Masonboro Island Easter Surf


Crank em tight, it’s big out there.  The Porter from Astral is a perfect shoe for coastal life.
Easter at Masonboro was cold, windy and pretty much miserable. Board surfers were all in full wetsuits, hoods and booties. I chose my IR Supermodel Drysuit to stay warm.
25 mph winds became offshore pressure washers. Paddle across the back of a breaking wave and you get pelted with spray.
Andy Gates surfs in the Sword. This particular boat was one of the Riot prototypes that has become my loaner/beater surf boat. Andy has surfed it many times and knows she rides.


Action in the break at Masonboro.


Beautiful coverup by an unnamed surfer. Check out the mountains of swell in the background. That was a big set.
This was me riding one all the way to the inside. The rain was coming down so hard that all the background was fogged out. You can see the swells in the background moving across the screen from left to right, the way they were wrapping into the coastline from the North, then turning toward the beach.
Two standup surfers appeared to be getting some waves down the beach. Here an unnamed sup surfer speeds off the backside of a wave.
Beautiful handmade board and really interesting tunnel fin in place of the normal thruster setup.
This kit goes with me pretty much everywhere I kayak.

Photos and Captions by Spencer Cooke, Effort Inc.

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