Trouble brewing…

Racing is not my strong suit. I’ll say that right out of the gate. When I’ve participated in whitewater races in the past, I have historically lost focus, messed up logistics, or otherwise sabotaged my chances of performing well. I almost always leave a race thinking of one or two (or more) points in the race where a different decision or mindset could have made a huge difference. I like to think that I have not yet reached my potential in racing, that my best races are still within me, but at some point you have to trust the evidence–maybe I’m not a naturally good racer.
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The Eddy Feeling

What does kayaking mean to different individuals, from the untrained beginner, to the seasoned professional? A collective of kayaking filmmakers entitled Rapid Transit, all of whom share a common goal of telling fun, exciting and engaging stories through the lens of a camera, attempt to give an answer, or perhaps just a perspective regarding this query. Along the way viewers will plunge into North Carolina’s deepest and most remote gorge, the Linville. Onlookers will meet the kayakers who first attempted the Linville Gorge descent in the 1970s, and see the reality of paddling this river over 30 years later.
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