The Eddy Feeling premieres in Athens (GA, not Greece)

This January 21st and 22nd, the Rapid Transit producers traveled to beautiful Athens, Georgia to host the opening premiere of The Eddy Feeling (see below for a synopsis). Athens is a fantastic town, and it was the right place to kick off the Southeast tour of premieres for this first DVD from Rapid Transit. The festivities began on the evening of the 21st with a boat demo at UGA’s indoor pool.
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The Lower Chauga

After the Deadman in the Darkroom gig at the 2008 Gauley Fest, I was approached, by an old friend of mine, to help in producing a short film. The goal of this project was to aid in acquiring funds to purchase a two mile stretch banking the Lower Chauga in the upstate of South Carolina. These two miles are located within the runout of the often paddled class IV Chauga section. This acquisition would connect to the present Chau Ram Park trail system and give the general public access to a greater portion of this wilderness. Due to the recession in America’s economy the State of South Carolina cut all funding from the Preservation Department and the project never got off the ground.
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